Oh iya, ini sedikit rant tambahan di tumblrnya, karena blog ama tumblr beda kan ya, tapi pengen aja aku masukin www :
"It’s been awhile since last time i write my own blog post. I haven’t open tumblr since my phone broken, even before. After i got back to tumblr i just repost some post that i missed. I guess my last post here is when i go to local japanese festival at ITB? I dunno, all i know that it’s been a long time. And no one interested with my post anyway, beside i create this tumblr just to get some toumyu pictures and sometimes asking for butai links.
Well, the reason i write here again because i can’t write this on facebook or line. They’re ignoring me there but at least they’re saw or read it. Most of my friends in facebook and line are my rl friends, and they’ll ask me what’s wrong when i got to school, i don’t want to bother myself to answer those questions. So i’ll write here, where people who follows me is just some random people i don’t know. My rant now is in Indonesian so if you don’t understand Indonesian then there’s option to go back and dig deeper to tumblr."
Yah, Akiko adalah penjelajah tumblr yang kesepian dan seneng ngerant.
So, aku baru keliling dari Palasari nyari buku Kimia, kelas X, kurtilas sebelum revisi, penerbit erlangga. Kemarin udah nyari-nyari ke Togamas sama Rumah buku, but i can’t find it. Di Palasari ada, but semuanya yang seken. Udah dicorat-coret lagi. Kalau sama pensil sih gapapa, bisa dihapus. But this is stabilo. Bahkan ada yang digambarin pake spidol, gambar gajah. Jang naon atulah, eta teh buku pelajaran lain sketchbook. Dijual lagi. Upami bade dijual mah tong di curat-coret atuh jiga budak kampung wae. Stabilo masih maklum. Lah ini? Spidol.
Listen, seposesif apapun aku, aku gak pernah nyorat-nyoret buku pelajaran kecuali disuruh sama guru. Sekali corat-coret juga pake pensil, TEU NGANGGO SPIDOL URANG MAH. DA URANG GE NYAHO ENGKE ETA BUKU DEK URANG PASIHAN KA NU BUTUH.
Masa aku mau ngasih buku tanpa corat-coret secara gratis sedangkan kalian JUAL buku penuh coretan harga 40rb di Palasari? PUP emang.
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